McMurtry Investment Report & Model Portfolios

How to Set up and Build an Investment Portfolio

June 21, 2023

Determine your overall investment objectives, and investment constraints– including time horizon, income needs, risk tolerance, tax considerations and maximum exposure to each security and each equity sector.

Consolidated Asset Mix – Add up all your securities in all your related accounts. Convert all US and global investments to Canadian dollars simply for measurement purposes. Do not actually convert anything.

Categorize your investments into Cash, Fixed Income and Equity

Diversify your investments by Asset Class, Currency, Equity Sector, Individual Security, Investment Grade and Average Term for fixed income.

Obtain the eleven sub equity sectors and percentage weights for Canada and the US- available on the website:

Set up an acceptable percentage weight range exposure for each Asset Class– Cash, Fixed Income and Equity

Determine a tactical specific percentage weight for each asset class based on the current economic outlook

Monitor and rebalance monthly or quarterly.

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